Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at 9:00am CT
Host site: NET, 1800 N. 33rd Street, Lincoln
Mr. Derek Bierman, Northeast Community College
Mr. Burke Brown,
District OR-1 Palmyra/Bennet
Mr. Mike
Carpenter, Doane College
Mr. Matt
Chrisman, Mitchell Public Schools
Mr. John
Dunning, Wayne State College
Mr. Steven
Stortz, Alt. for Stephen Hamersky, Daniel J. Gross Catholic High School
Mr. Steve Hotovy, Nebraska State College System
Mr. Gary
Needham, Educational Service Unit 9
Mr. Mary
Niemiec, University of Nebraska
Mr. Darren Oestmann, Johnson Brock Public Schools
Mr. Randy
Schmailzl, Metro Community College
LIAISONS/ALTERNATES PRESENT: Kathleen Fimple, Brent Gaswick, and Gary Targoff
Brenda Decker, Dr. Dan Hoesing, Yvette Holly, Dr.
Mike Lucas, Greg Maschman, Dr. Bob Uhing
In lieu of
Council Co-Chairs, Mr. Tom Rolfes called the meeting to order at 9:00am CT. The
meeting notice was posted on the NITC website and Public Meeting Calendar on
8/29/2014. The agenda was posted for review on the NITC website on 8/29/2014.
The Open Meeting Statutes were located on the southeast corner of the NET Board
Room. Ms. Lopez-Urdiales called the roll and found 10 voting members or
alternates present. A quorum was reached in order to conduct official business.
Members and guests introduced themselves.
For the
new council members, Mr. Rolfes provided a brief history of the NITC and the
Education Council.
Mr. Dunning moved to approve the
October 15, 2014 meeting agenda. Mr. Carpenter
seconded. Roll call vote: Bierman-Yes, Brown-Yes, Carpenter-Yes, Chrisman-Yes,
Dunning-Yes, Stortz-Yes, Hotovy-Yes, Niemiec-Yes, Oestmann-Yes, Schmailzl-Yes. Results: Yes-10, No-0,
Abstained-0. Motion carried.
Mr. Stortz moved to approve the
April 16, 2014 minutes as presented. Ms.
Niemec seconded.
Roll call vote: Brown-Yes, Carpenter-Yes, Chrisman-Yes, Dunning-Yes, Stortz-Yes, Hotovy-Yes, Niemiec-Yes, Oestmann-Yes,
Schmailzl-Yes, Bierman-Yes. Results: Yes-10, No-0,
Abstained-0. Motion carried.
Mr. Needham arrived to the meeting.
Gabrielle Banick
Dr. Banick provided a brief biography to the council. She stated she liked the collaboration that
the Education Council has successfully initiated and hopes to learn from the Council.
She complimented Nebraska on their groundbreaking work in the areas of a
longitudinal data system, increased graduation requirements, and developing a
statewide unique identifier which could assist in federated identity
management. She has been in her position for only two months and has been
working on the following P-16 initiatives:
of a Transfer Portal. This would be a
one stop portal for students to see how their credits would transfer to other
public post-secondary institutions. Currently, a commercial product is being
reviewed. At this point, only public
institutions have been involved but private institutions have been invited.
Reverse Transfer
Program for University, State and Community Colleges. Community colleges have been very instrumental
in this effort. It is anticipated that
there will be 120 programs by end of the year.
members were given an opportunity to ask questions and provide input. TES and Transferology,
both from College Source, were recommended as possible products for the Reverse
Transfer Program. The goal is have a
final decision on the product by the end of December. Approximately 5000 of the 7000 institutions
nationally have given permission for the course catalogues to be included in Transferology. Data
standards will be vital to the effort. Dr.
Banick has met with several school superintendents
and college administrators in her first 60 days.
Mr. Rolfes
shared the NITC’s strategic initiatives with Dr. Banick
and thanked her for her time with the Council.
Mr. Rolfes
reported that the NITC advisory councils have grown from four councils to six
councils. The Education Council, one of
the original four, is responsible for advising the NITC on education
technology-related project proposals and other issues of importance. The Council typically makes recommendations
to the NITC and the NITC has the final approval. There will be a couple of information
technology projects the Council will need to review at the December meeting.
were asked to review the Council’s Charter and responsibilities.
discussion, the Council members asked whether the Education Council or NITC
have ever applied for grant funding. Mr. Rolfes reported that originally the
State Government Council and Community Council each had $250,000 grant funds to
administer to eligible entities. The Education Council helped oversee the
NEB-SAT grant funds administered by the Nebraska Educational Telecommunications
Commission. When those grant funds were eliminated during the recession of the
late 2000s, no funding was ever restored. However, the NITC has been the fiscal
entity for the Electronic Health Records grant of $6.2 million in 2010, and a
collaborator with the state Broadband Mapping Initiative.
The Nebraska
Department of Education had submitted a federal grant to look at how technology
can impact academic performance but Wisconsin was awarded. Since the Council has discussed funding as an
issue to get things accomplished, perhaps the Council should explore Gates NextGen grants. Their
grants require a grantee which could be the OCIO, NDE, CCPE, or the University
of Nebraska, for example. Independent
Colleges expressed interest in involvement.
A majority of members thought it would be a good idea and recommend
looking at these opportunities. It was
decided to establish a work group that would explore federal/private foundation
grant funding to match the Education Council’s mission and responsibilities. Members that volunteered included the
following: Mike Carpenter, Mary Niemec, John Dunning and if Dr.
Dan Hoesing is not available to participate, SuAnn Witt said she would participate.
Election of Co-Chairs*
Mr. Rolfes
asked that the Council members recess into their K-12 and higher education sectors
to caucus and discuss nomination of a K12 co-chair and a Higher Education co-chair.
Mr. Stortz
nominated Gary Needham as the K12 Education Council Co-Chair. Mr. Brown seconded. More nominations from the floor were
requested. There were no more
Mr. Carpenter moved to cease the
nominations and conduct the vote in favor of electing Gary Needham as K-12
Co-Chair. Mr. Stortz seconded. Roll call vote: Carpenter-Yes, Chrisman-Yes,
Dunning-Yes, Stortz-Yes, Hotovy-Yes, Needham-Abstain,
Niemiec-Yes, Oestmann-Yes, Schmailzl-Yes, Bierman-Yes, Brown-Yes. Results: Yes-10, No-0, Abstained-1.
Motion carried.
Mr. Dunn
nominated Mary Niemec as the Higher Education Council
Co-Chair. Mr. Schmaizl
seconded. More nominations from the floor were
requested. There were no more
Mr. Carpenter moved to cease the
nominations and conduct the vote in favor of electing Mary Niemiec as Higher
Education Co-Chair. Mr. Dunn seconded.
Roll call vote: Chrisman-Yes, Dunning-Yes, Stortz-Yes, Hotovy-Yes, Needham-Yes, Niemiec-Abstain, Oestmann-Yes, Schmailzl-Yes, Bierman-Yes,
Brown-Yes, Carpenter-Yes. Results: Yes-10, No-0, Abstained-1.Motion
The two
newly elected Co-Chairs, Gary Needham and Mary Niemec,
presided over the remainder of the meeting.
Project Management Report
(9/1/2014). All enterprise projects submit a monthly report to
the Technical Panel. The NITC also
receives an update on all enterprise projects at their meetings. Network Nebraska finished the year with a
positive balance to build escrow for future core infrastructure replacements. The budget is monitored by the Office of the CIO
and the Network Nebraska Advisory Group.
Membership is up to 94% of public K-12 and 100% of public higher
education. Entities that have delayed
joining have existing Internet contracts and obligations in place. It is possible that public K-12 will be at
100% by 7/1/2015. On July 1, 2014, an
Internet2 Commercial Peering Service egress point was implemented with 3Gbps, and
commodity Internet cost about $ .39/Mbps/month for K-12 after E-rate. The Internet2 CPS and commodity Internet is running
at about half of its purchased capacity.
Network Nebraska is looking at adding the following Commercial Peering
ESRI for
K12. The Nebraska Department of Education
has signed this agreement to provide this software free for K12 students to be
exposed to GIS (Geographic Information Systems). Discussions are occurring for ESRI to use Internet2
to more directly serve Nebraska K-12 schools.
Hudl Stats. Hudl, a Nebraska sports video analysis company, has
approximately 95% of U.S. high schools as clients, and many college and
professional sports teams. Schools are interested in faster uploading of video
recordings of Friday night sports events. Discussions are occurring for Hudl to use Internet2 to more directly serve Nebraska K-12
E-rate Modernization. At end of July, the FCC issued a new
funding initiative for schools and libraries to purchase internal connections
equipment using E-rate funds. E-rate
discounts and reimbursements are based on poverty and rurality
levels. Approximately $56 million in
funding will be made available for routers, switches, wireless access points,
and firewall gear for Nebraska schools and libraries. The Office of the CIO, in coordination with
the ESUs, will be doing an Invitation to Bid for nine different types of
eligible equipment. Once awarded, the OCIO will get information out to entities
to participate in the purchasing off the state contracts to get best discounts
for equipment. Nebraska has about 700 schools
and libraries that would be eligible to participate.
Changing urban rural designation.
Prior to the new initiative, schools’ discounts were based on urban
designations as determined by urban counties of the 2000 Census. With the new FCC designations using the 2010
Census, about 39 school districts will be designated as urban, dropping their discount
by at least 10%. The FCC has been urged
to reconsider these designations due to financial hardship for districts. The discount levels will now be calculated at
the district level rather than school.
Voice services will be phased out at 20% points per year which will
affect budgets at the district level due to having voice services fully
supported in the past.
LB 1103. FOR AN
ACT relating to education; to state findings and intent; to provide for a
strategic planning process; to provide duties for the Education Committee of
the Legislature; and to declare an emergency.
Legislature’s Education Committee scheduled three public hearings related to LB
1103. The first was held in Omaha with
over 200 in attendance. The next hearing
is this afternoon in Norfolk and then tomorrow (10/16/2014) in Broken Bow. Testimony so far has included issues of equity,
early childhood education, BlendEd
(technology), and charter schools. The Education Committee’s report must be
done by December 31st.
LB 497. FOR AN ACT relating to education; to amend sections 9-812
and 9-836.01, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, and sections 79-8,137,
79-8,137.04, and 85-1920, Revised Statutes Cumulative Supplement, 2012; to
change provisions relating to distribution of state lottery proceeds; to create
the Nebraska Education Improvement Fund; to provide for a study; to change
contract provisions relating to programs under the Excellence in Teaching Act;
to terminate the Education Innovation Fund and the Nebraska Opportunity Grant
Fund; to eliminate obsolete provisions; to harmonize provisions; to repeal the
original sections; and to declare an emergency.
The future
of the lottery funding is being reviewed by the Education Committee. The current
allocations all expire by July 2016.
Annually, approximately $16 million has been allocated for educational
projects. A hearing for use of lottery
monies will be held on November 19th, Room 1525, 1:30 p.m. The
committee’s report is due December 31st.
Timeline, Project
Proposal Format, Project Links
(TBA), Technical Panel Reviews
Mr. Rolfes
reviewed the biennial budget I.T. project review process for new members. There were no education-related I.T. projects
submitted by the State budget deadline of September 15. The Budget Office
informed NITC staff that there are at least three projects from the Department
of Education that will be reviewed by the Technical Panel and Education Council
in December. The Council will need to
provide comments to the Legislature regarding funding of the projects.
State colleges. Mr. Dunning reported that the state college
system has been discussing ways to make better decision making for their
infrastructure system based on data. A position
has been hired by the State College System to better coordinate the three state
colleges and their P-16 data efforts.
Community colleges.
Mr. Bierman reported the community college
association meeting is scheduled for early November. The chief academic officer portion will be
included with the CIO meetings.
Independent colleges. There was no report.
University of Nebraska. The Virtual Scholars Program
application process was just completed with 221 course scholarships awarded
from the University of Nebraska High School.
Through an account established with the NU Foundation, the University will look
to public/private funding for future scholarships. Most of the applications
have been for STEM courses. Ms. Niemiec will have a final report by the
end of the year. Early data suggests that 49% of the students at the University
took at least one online course last year. This is a 27% increase for NU.
Nationally, 33% of students have taken at least one online course at a higher
education institution.
K-12 public & private.
E-rate has been an ongoing item of discussion among
K-12 schools. NDE and the ESUCC have
identified three joint initiatives to work on over the next year: BlendEd, NDE Data
Dashboard, and Teacher/Principal evaluation system.
CCPE. A new executive director, Dr. Michael Baumgartner,
has been hired who is also new to Nebraska.
SARA, the State Authorized Reciprocal Agreement, really wants states to
sign-up to participate in the interstate credit transfer agreement. It will allow institutions to not have to
seek individual approval from that state to offer online courses. Nebraska was the 8th of the 9 approved
states. There are three pending
applications from the eastern states. In
Nebraska, there are already 10 institutions that have applied and have been
accepted. There is an application fee
involved to participate.
Mr. Rolfes
distributed the work group assignments document. Since there are new members, the groups will need
to be revised. Members who have resigned
or retired: Terry Haack, Ed Hoffman, Jeff
Johnson, Jeff Stanley, Lyle Neal, John Stritt, Jack Huck. New members were asked to consider which work
group they would like to serve and let him know. A revised list will be available at the
December meeting.
LOCATION(S) FOR THE 12/17/2014 MEETING (Video conferencing)
items for the December meeting included:
EC Charter
EC Work
IT Project
Funding Work Group Report
Council asked Mr. Rolfes to help develop a fact sheet of what the lottery
monies have helped accomplish relative to Network Nebraska for the LB 497 hearing.
Dunning moved to adjourn. Steve Hotovy seconded. All
were in favor by voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30am CT.
Meeting notes
were recorded by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Tom Rolfes, Nebraska
Information Technology Commission.