of the

Thursday, August 16, 2012; 1:00 p.m. CT

State Capitol Room 1126 (south entrance)
15th & H Streets, Lincoln, Nebraska





Dr. Terry Haack, Bennington Public Schools

Mr. Stephen Hamersky, Daniel J. Gross Catholic High School

Mr. Ed Hoffman, Nebraska State College System

Ms. Lois Dietsch, Alt. for Jeff Johnson, Centennial Public Schools

Mr. Lyle Neal, Southeast Community College

Mr. Gary Needham, ESU 9

Ms. Mary Niemiec, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Mr. Randy Schmailzl, Metropolitan Community College

Mr. Jeff Stanley, Conestoga Public Schools

Dr. Bob Uhing, Educational Service Unit 1, Wakefield


LIAISONS/ALTERNATE MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. SuAnn Witt, Nebraska Department of Education; Kathleen Fimple, Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education; Mr. William Scheideler, Alt. for Ms. Brenda Decker, State Office of the CIO; and Mr. Gary Targoff, NET;


MEMBERS/LIAISONS ABSENT:  Mr. Clark Chandler, Nebraska Wesleyan University; Mr. Ken Clipperton, Midland University; Mr. John Dunning, Wayne State College; Mr. Leonard Hartman, Alliance Public Schools; Ms. Yvette Holly, UNL-Medical Center; Dr. Mike Lucas, York Public Schools




Co-Chair, Dr. Haack, called the meeting to order at 1:05 pm.  There were 8 members present at the time of roll call.  A quorum existed to conduct official business. The meeting notice was posted to the NITC and the Nebraska Public Meeting Calendar web sites on August 7, 2012.  The meeting agenda was posted to the NITC Web site August 7, 2012 with an update posted on August 13, 2012.




Dr. Uhing moved to approve the August 16, 2012 agenda as presented. Mr. Hamersky seconded. Roll call vote: Haack-Yes, Hamersky-Yes, Hoffman-Yes, Dietsch-Yes, Neal-Yes, Schmailzl-Yes, Stanley-Yes, and Uhing-Yes.  Results:  Yes-8, No-0, Abstained-0.  Motion carried.




Mr. Neal moved to approve the November 7, 2011 minutes as presented. Mr. Schmailzl seconded.  Roll call vote: Haack-Yes, Hamersky-Yes, Hoffman-Yes, Dietsch-Yes, Neal-Yes, Schmailzl-Yes, Stanley-Yes, and Uhing-Yes.  Results:  Yes-8, No-0, Abstained-0.  Motion carried.




There was no public comment.



William Scheideler, Administrative Services Budget Office, provided the presentation. Kathy Tenopir and Sandy Sostad from the Legislative Council were also present to answer questions. Mr. Scheideler proceeded to review the “Budget Process” document which included timelines for budget requests. 


Resource documents:
Description of the Budget Process
Current General Fund Status
2012 Biennial Budget Report
2013-2015 Budget Preparation Instructions


Gary Needham arrived to the meeting.


Competition for funding new I.T. projects this biennium will be very competitive due to projected revenue versus expenses. In order for an Appropriations bill to take effect, an emergency clause needs to be attached.

NITC Review Timeline.  By statute, the NITC must review all I.T. Budget Requests and make recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature.  The proposals are reviewed by Technical Reviewers for all agency I.T. requests.  A technical score will be given to each project.  The scores are tallied and then the I.T. projects are reviewed by the Councils for prioritization - State Government Council, Education Council, eHealth Council, and on occasion, the Community Council.  The NITC will review the council’s recommendations and submit a prioritized, tiered list of I.T. projects recommendation. The last time the Education Council went through this there were two requests to replace a student information system – one from the University of Nebraska and one from the State College System.  It was the Council’s recommendation for the projects to collaborate and merge two projects into one project, if it was found to be feasible and cost-effective.  The recommendation was accepted by the NITC and the Governor.  The October Education Council meeting will need to be a face-to-face and meeting and will most likely be in Lincoln.  It is uncertain at this point as to how many projects will need to be reviewed.   


The IT Project Review Timeline is listed below:

9/15/2012:      I.T. Project Proposals due     

9/17/2012:      Projects posted on website   

9/18/2012:      Initial assignment of reviewers by staff and notice sent to Technical Panel members    

9/20/2012:      Reviewers receive projects and scoring sheets by email          

10/1/2012:      Completed scoring sheets due from reviewers

10/2/2012:      Distribute summary sheets, with reviewer scores and comments, to submitting agencies for comment/response    

10/5/2012:      Agency response due (optional)         

10/9/2012:      Technical Panel meeting – Recommendation and prioritization of IT projects    

10/11/2012:    State Government Council meeting - Recommendation and prioritization of IT projects 

10/17/2012:    Education Council meeting - Recommendation and prioritization of IT projects 

10/29-11/14:   NITC meeting – Review and Final Prioritization of I.T. Project for Recommendation to the Governor and Legislature    

11/15/2012:    Report Submitted to Governor and Legislature



Matt Blomstedt stated that the Educational Service Unit Coordinating Council was established four years ago and is responsible to promote and enhance distance education opportunities as well as to establish a learning management system.  There is a lot of energy from all entities in the state to do more for education.  There are approximately 70-80 Nebraska schools that would not be accredited if it were not for distance education.  Mr. Blomstedt proceeded with the presentation and asked members to ask questions at any time.


Mary Niemiec arrived to the meeting.


ESUCC Strategic Priority Areas:

·         ESUCC Processes

·         Accountability and Communication

·         Partnerships with Stakeholders

·         Technology Infrastructure and Integration



ESUCC’s Focus:

·         Partnerships

·         Professional Development

·         Efficient and Effective statewide services.   

o    Prior to ESUCC, all projects were independent. The focus on effective collaboration, processes, and strategic management have led to major initiatives in several areas including Professional Development, Co-op Purchasing, & BlendEd.


Since most schools already have a learning management software tool, the timeline to accomplish learning management is not as big a priority. The September ESUCC meeting will be discussing content management.  It was approximately ten years ago that the Education Council first envisioned digital education.  It would be wonderful to have this accomplished within the next year. 


Many of the ESUCC’s goals coincide with the NITC’s Statewide Technology Plan’s action items.  Mr. Blomstedt invited the Education Council to assist ESUCC by developing a user case for digital education, to assist with the strategic steps and vision of the project.



Mr. Rolfes reported that the project is in Phase 6 with many of the project contracts expiring for backbone, routers, and internet.  It was a major undertaking to develop the RFP but it has proven to be a cost-savings for Network Nebraska partners.  He reviewed the documents.  Some of the highlights included:


Summer 2012 Update.  There are 8 new participants (5 public schools, 1 private school and 2 tribal colleges) for a total of 254 entities for 2012-13.

Participation Fee FINALIZED for 2012-2013:

K-12 & Higher Education Entities: $ 203.48/month/entity ($ 2,441.76/year/entity)

Interregional Transport Fee FINALIZED for 2012-13:

K-12 Entities: $ 18.67/month/entity ($ 224.04/year/entity)

Higher Education Entities: $ 61.28/month/entity ($ 735.36/year/entity)

Internet Access Cost FINALIZED for 2012-2013:

K-12/library entities: $ .7905/Mbps/month

Higher Education Entities: $ 2.55/Mbps/month


Statewide Backbone 2012-13.  The diagram indicated the backbone connections via the service providers.  Scottsbluff now routes to the Omaha 1623 Farnam building providing a faster connection. 


Participation Report.  Neb. Rev. Stat. 86-5,100 (excerpt) Network Nebraska; development and maintenance; access; Chief Information Officer; duties;

The Chief Information Officer shall provide access* to each school district, each educational service unit, each community college, each state college, and the University of Nebraska at the earliest feasible date and no later than July 1, 2012. Access may be provided through educational service units or other aggregation points. Participation in Network Nebraska shall not be required for any educational entity.

*Note “Access” was defined by the Chief Information Officer as the ability to connect via Ethernet to one of the Network Nebraska—Education core aggregation points.


Summary of Network Nebraska—Education PUBLIC K-20 Participants, as of 7/1/2012:

219 of 252 public school districts (87%)

15 of 17 Educational Service Units (88%)

8 of 8 community colleges (100%)

3 of 3 state colleges (100%)

1 of 1 University of Nebraska (100%)

Summary of Network Nebraska—Education NON-PUBLIC K-20 Participants, as of 7/1/2012:

4 of 213 private, denominational or parochial schools (2%)

6 of 14 nonprofit private postsecondary educational institutions (43%)


With the additional courses, faster speed, reduced rates and the deadline of available incentive monies soon approaching, it is anticipated that Network Nebraska will have more partners to start off the 2013-14 year.


If members were interested in any of the Participation Report appendices, they were asked to contact Mr. Rolfes.


Network Nebraska Advisory Group Report.  This group was established by the Education Council.  It consists of 16 individuals from the K12 and higher education sectors who are Network Nebraska participants. John Stritt, ESU 10, and Deb Schroeder, University of Nebraska-Kearney are the co-chairs.  The advisory group works with the CIO to approve rates and address participant needs and issues.  At their last meeting, discussions focused on budget and the Participation Fee. 



Emerging Technologies Task Group, Steve Hamersky.  The Task Group has held online discussions regarding the D2 and D4 Action items which would support ESUCC initiatives and provide assistance.
Other items or issues for discussion included cloud computing, the integration of mobile devices in the schools and how to deal with distractions. The Task Group agreed to form a focus group to address mobile devices and make a recommendation to the Education Council.  Digital text books and the use of mobile devices would be a net cost-savings to the state.


Services Task Group.  Mr. Rolfes reported that the Task Group will need to replace the co-chairs due to resignations. The group has not met since January.  


Governance Task Group, Randy Schmailzl.  The group has not met since January.  Mr. O’Neill is no longer on the group and will need to have a replacement.


Marketing Task Group, SuAnn Witt and Ed Hoffman.  The group has met once since January.  The Network Nebraska Marketing Report is ready for final review by the task group.  Arnold Bateman, former member, is missed due to his contribution of data analysis portion of the report.  Since it has filled its original purpose, the Council will need to discuss the future direction of the survey.  It could be used for task groups to use to develop action items, get participant feedback regarding issues such as mobile devices, digital textbooks, etc.  This will be an agenda item for the next meeting. 



Task Group Membership/Assignments. Services Task Group recommended to meet to determine group co-leader.  Tom Rolfes was asked to send e-mails to alternates encouraging them to choose a work group.  By the October meeting, task groups were asked to meet to discuss the action items assigned to the work group and present possible new action items to the Council.

2012-2014 NITC Action Items (Network Nebraska, Digital Education, and eGov action items).  Task Groups will meet for discussion and recommendations.  D2 is part of the Emerging Technologies Task Group as well as the Governance Task Group. They may consider involving Matt Blomstedt in their discussions.



Survey Results:  Survey Monkey was utilized to tally members’ regular recurring meeting preferences.  Approximately 21 responses were received.  Results indicated that the 3rd Wednesday of the month in the morning was first choice with the third Thursday in the morning coming in second.

2012-13 Meeting Schedule will be as follows with the possibility of the August meeting being moved due to the start of a new school year.


Date & Time Location(s):

Thu, Aug 16, 2012, 1pm-3:30pm CT, Location-Lincoln, State Capitol Room 1126 (No IVC)

Wed, Oct 17, 2012, 9am-12pm, CT, Location-Lincoln (No IVC)

Wed, Dec 19, 2012, 9am-12pm, CT, Location-Multiple video conference sites

Wed, Feb 20, 2013, 9am-12pm, CT, Location-Multiple video conference sites

Wed, Apr 17, 2013, 9am-12pm, CT, Location-TBD (No IVC)

Wed, Jun 19, 2013, 9am-12pm, CT, Location-TBD (No IVC)

Wed, Aug 21, 2013, 9am-12pm, CT, Location-Multiple video conference sites




At the present time, the following items will be on the October agenda:

·         NN Marketing Reports

·         I.T. Budget Requests

·         Other – Members were asked to email Mr. Rolfes with any other topics.




Ms. Niemiec will host the meeting in October at a location in Lincoln.




Ms. Niemiec moved to adjourn.  Dr. Uhing seconded.  All were in favor.  Motion passed. 


Dr. Haack thanked Matt  Blomstedt and William Scheideler for their presentations at today’s meeting.


The meeting was adjourned at 3: 20 p.m.


Meeting minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Tom Rolfes of the Office of the CIO/NITC.