of the

Friday, January 14, 2011; 1:00PM CT

Host site: Executive Building Room 103, 521 S. 14th, Lincoln
Remote site 1: Alliance High School, 100 W. 14th St., Alliance
Remote site 2: Wayne State College, NATS Technology Bldg, Wayne
Remote site 3: ESU 10, 76 Plaza Blvd., Kearney

Remote site 4: UNMC Business Services Center Room 3037B, 4230 Leavenworth, Omaha

(Members were present at the sites but due to technical and other issues, Wayne State, Kearney and Alliance could not connect to the Lincoln site.)



Mr. Clark Chandler, Nebraska Wesleyan (Lincoln site)

Dr. Michael Chipps, Mid-Plains Community College (Lincoln site)

Dr. Terry Haack, Bennington Public Schools (Lincoln site)

Mr. Stephen Hamersky, Omaha Gross High School (Lincoln site)

Mr. Ed Hoffman, Nebraska State College System (Lincoln site)

Ms. Yvette Holly, University of Nebraska Medical Center (Omaha site)

Mr. Jeff Johnson, Centennial Public Schools (Lincoln site)

Mr. Randy Schmailzl, Metropolitan Community College (Lincoln site)

Mr. Jeff Stanley, Conestoga Public Schools (Omaha site)


LIAISONS/ALTERNATE MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Lois Dietsch, Seward Public Schools; Ms. SuAnn Witt, NDE; and Ms. Kathleen Fimple, CPPE


LIAISONS/ALTERNATE MEMBERS NOT ABLE TO CONNECT: Mr. Ron Cone, ESU 10; Mr. Leonard Hartman, Alliance Public Schools; Dr. Bob Uhing, ESU 1


MEMBERS/LIAISONS ABSENT:  Mr. Arnold Bateman, University of Nebraska; Mr. Dennis Linster, Wayne State College; Mr. Chuck Lenosky, Creighton University; Mr. Craig Pease, Ashland-Greenwood Public Schools; Ms. Brenda Decker, DAS-CIO; and Mr. Gary Targoff, NET




The meeting was called to order at 1:05pm by Co-Chair Terry Haack. The Meeting Notice was posted to the NITC Web site and the Nebraska Public Meeting Calendar on December 1, 2010.  The meeting agenda was posted to the NITC Web site on January 10, 2011.




Mr. Hamersky moved approval of the January 14, 2011.  Mr. Hoffman seconded.  Roll call vote:  Chandler-Yes, Chipps-Yes, Haack-Yes, Hamersky-Yes, Hoffman-Yes, Holly-Yes, Johnson-Yes, Stanley-Yes.  Results:  Yes-8, No-0, Abstain-0. Motion carried.




Mr. Johnson moved approval of the November 30, 2010 meeting Minutes.  Mr. Chandler seconded.  Roll call vote: Stanley-Yes, Johnson-Yes, Holly-Yes, Hoffman-Yes, Hamersky-Yes, Haack-Yes, Chipps-Yes, and Chandler-Yes.  Results:  Yes-8, No-0, Abstain-0. Motion carried.




There was no public comment.



Dr. Jim Woodland, Nebraska Department of Education


Mr. Schmailzl arrived to the meeting at 1:26 p.m.


State Collaboratives on Assessment and Student Standards (SCASS). The State Collaboratives on Assessment and Student Standards (SCASS) are groups of State Education Agency (SEA) career service professionals who work together to solve common educational problems. With a focus on assessment development and implementation issues, the SCASS System provides states with tools for professional development, program involvement, and advocacy.


Dr. Woodland provided a demonstration of the Science-SCASS item bank that contains over 1,400 released test items.  He will send Mr. Rolfes the login and password information for council members.



Mr. Rolfes reviewed the committee’s 40 options (more detail available in above link) for budget cuts and how some would affect the Nebraska Lottery distribution in regards to the Excellence in Education Fund and Distance Education Equipment/Incentives.


Excerpt taken from LR 542:

LR 542 Overview.  There are seven state agencies under the jurisdiction of the Education Committee: the University of Nebraska, the Nebraska State College System, state aid to Community Colleges, the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education, the Nebraska Educational Telecommunications Commission, the Nebraska Department of Education, and the Board of Educational Lands and Funds. Collectively, these agencies accounted for $1.67 billion of General Fund spending in fiscal year 2010-11, which equates to 49% of the General Fund budget. The Committee’s annual target for statutory reductions pursuant to LR 542 was calculated at just over $166 million.


While budget modifications play a prominent role in the Committee’s LR 542 options list, there are some modifications to which the Committee is strongly opposed. The Committee is opposed to the following modifications submitted by the Nebraska Department of Education: 

• Elimination of the annual statewide writing assessment at two grade levels annually;

• Elimination of Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and poverty plan approval;

• Reduction in aid for high-ability learners;

• Reduction in aid for Early Childhood Projects; and

• Reduction in matching funds for school lunch programs



As of the meeting date, the legislative bills listed below had been introduced (more detail available in above link).  Council members requested that Mr. Rolfes send members an updated list after deadline has passed to introduce bills. Mr. Rolfes also made Council members aware that Mr. Rick Becker maintains the NITC website for I.T.-related legislation:


·         LB 58, Provide for a study of dual-enrollment courses and career academies, Introduced by Senator Adams to amend N.R.S. 85-1412(16)

·         LB 123, Provide for disciplinary actions and policies relating to cyber-bullying, Introduced by Senator Heidemann to amend N.R.S. 79-2,137(2)

·         LB 150, Provide for posting of notices for public meetings, Introduced by Senator Lathrop to amend N.R.S. 84-1411(1)

·         LB 331, Change provisions relating to an educational telecommunications network, Introduced by the Education Committee to amend N.R.S. 79-1316 (1)

·         LB 333, Change allocation provisions relating to the Education Innovation Fund, Introduced by the Education Committee to amend N.R.S. 9-812 (4c, 4d, 4e)

·         LB 378, Provide for fund transfers and change provisions relating to various funds, Introduced by Speaker Flood, on behalf of the Governor

·         LB 381, Change provisions relating to educational service units, Introduced by Speaker Flood, on behalf of the Governor, to amend N.R.S. 79-1202 (Section 7)

·         LB 403, Change allocation of the Excellence in Teaching Cash Fund, Introduced by Senator Council to amend N.R.S. 9-812 (4h)



December 7, 2010 Meeting Notes and NNAG Charter


Mr. Linster was not available to report.  Mr. Rolfes reported that NNAG members were asked by Co-Chair John Stritt to research other state networks’ websites to research services, costs, and financial models.  Within the next couple of months, the NNAG will be reviewing Network Nebraska’s membership, as well as fees.  The Network Nebraska Internet access costs will go down 10 cents per Mbps for service July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. This service will likely be rebid during Fall 2011.  The next meeting of the NNAG will be held on February 1st or 2nd.  The NNAG’s Charter had been distributed to members per the Council’s request.



Funding/Erate Task Group.  No report.

Services Task Group.  No report.

Governance Task Group.  Ms. Holly reported that there was no progress to report.  She acknowledged and thanked Mr. Rolfes and Ms. Witt for getting the Governance Task Group survey distributed and the results compiled.

Marketing Task Group and Network Nebraska Marketing Survey Preliminary Results.  Ms. Witt reported that the total number of completed surveys was up 5% over last year. She reviewed the preliminary results.  Below is an excerpt from the draft survey report:



The survey highlights both challenges and opportunities for Network Nebraska to better serve existing partners and adding new partners to the network.

1.    With the maturing of Network Nebraska and Network Nebraska-Education as a service provider for public and private K-12 and higher education, existing partner interests are shifting more to student learning opportunities and coordination of distance learning opportunities. However, this doesn’t diminish the importance of network reliability, reduced cost/cost sharing, and continuing to improve the governance structure.

2.    For both existing partners and potential new partners there continues to be limited knowledge of network benefits, costs and services.

3.    Existing partner public relations initiatives and new partner marketing campaigns should focus on reduced costs, shared resources, student learning opportunities and statewide access. Each of these initiatives should be customized for the intended target audience.



It was suggested that the survey results be shared with Senators at any of bill hearings pertaining to education and should possibly send it to the Education Committee members. Rather than send the whole report, it was suggested to compile results into a one-page handout that would include comparison of costs.  The Marketing task group will work on this document.


Discussion followed regarding the development of new strategic initiatives and action items dealing with leading edge technologies and e-Learning that were more classroom based and less network based.


Dr. Haack moved that the Education Council create a new task group called Emerging Educational Technologies. Mr. Johnson seconded. Roll call vote:  Chandler-Yes, Chipps-Yes, Haack-Yes, Hamersky-Yes, Hoffman-Yes, Holly-Yes, Johnson-Yes, Schmailzl-Yes, Stanley-Yes.  Results:  Yes-9, No-0, Abstain-0. Motion carried.


Mr. Johnson agreed to get the group together.  The task group was charged to meet prior to the next meeting to assign a group leader, discuss the purpose(s) of the group, and possibly develop new action items for the Statewide Technology Plan, as well as determine if there is overlap with other established initiatives.



Task Group Membership.  After discussion, membership of the Task Groups is as follows:


Governance Task Group: 

Randy Schmaizl (Group Leader), Mike Chipps, Bob Uhing, Tip O’Neill, Terry Haack

Marketing Task Group: 

Ed Hoffman & SuAnn Witt (Group Co-Leaders), Steven Stortz, Chuck Lenosky, Mike Kozak,

NN Recruitment/Membership (Sub-Group of Marketing Task Group): Bob Uhing, Steve Hamersky

Network Nebraska Services Task Group:

Ken Clipperton & Ron Cone (Group Co-Leaders), John Dunning, John Stritt, Bob Uhing

Emerging Educational Technologies:

(Group Leader to be determined) Jeff Johnson, Steve Hamersky, Clark Chandler, Yvette

Holly, Lois Dietsch, Jeff Stanley, Leonard Hartman

Funding/E-rate Task Group:  Since the task group had completed its tasks and action items, by

group consensus it was decided to dissolve the task group.


Action Item Matrix of assignments and Action Item Review.  This agenda item was tabled until next meeting.  Task Groups were directed to meet before the next meeting to review their action items and to develop new action items if they saw a need. Group leaders are to send action item recommendations to Mr. Rolfes so members have plenty of time to review them before the next meeting. Mr. Rolfes will send council members an action item template and updated task group membership.



The Nebraska Distance Learning Association and Mr. Roethmeyer has invited the Education Council members to a Videoconferencing Vendor Fair, to be held on February 17, 2011 in Kearney.  Mr. Rolfes will get specific information to members as the date nears.


The question was raised as to the status of the Learning Management initiative.  The members discussed that statewide learning management and statewide content management could be the technologies that enables the Governor’s virtual school initiative successful.




The next meeting of the NITC Education Council will be held on Thursday, March 3rd, 1:00 p.m. at a Lincoln location and will include the following agenda items:

  • Legislative Update
  • Task Group Reports
  • NITC Action Items



Mr. Chandler moved to adjourn.  Mr. O’Neill seconded.  All were in favor.  Motion carried.


The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.


The meeting minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Tom Rolfes.