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Approved Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, September 14, 1999, 9 a.m.
Executive Building, 521 S 14th Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room
Lincoln, Nebraska

MEMBERS PRESENT: Brenda Decker, Director, Department of Administrative Services, State of Nebraska; Peter Ford, Nebraska Educational Telecommunications; Walter Weir, University of Nebraska, Computing Services Network; Michael Winkle, NITC Executive Director; and, Steve Schafer, State Chief Information Officer.

OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Becker, Government Information Technology Manager; Tom Rolfes, Education Information Technology Manager; and Lori Lopez Urdiales, NITC/CIO Administrative Assistant.

CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order by Rick Becker, Government Information Technology Manager, at 9:00 a.m. Steve Schafer and Michael Winkle were acknowledged as new members to the Technical Panel, as approved by the NITC at their August meeting. Roll call was taken. All members were present. Mr. Becker announced that public notice was given by electronic means by posting the meeting date, time, location and agenda via the website on September 7th.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There were none.

APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Ms. Decker moved and it was seconded by Mr. Winkle to approve the August 10th minutes. Roll Call Vote: Decker-Yes, Ford-Yes, Schafer-Yes, Weir-Yes, Winkle-Yes. Motion carried.

ELECT CHAIR AND DESIGNATE ALTERNATE MEMBERS: Ms. Decker nominated Walter Weir to serve as chair. Ms. Decker moved and it was seconded by Mr. Schafer that the nominations cease. By acclamation, Walter Weir will serve as Chair of the Technical Panel.

At the August NITC meeting, Commissioners approved the Technical Panel charter and its membership and required that the NITC also approve the alternates. The following recommendations were suggested as alternates:

  • Ruth Michalecki, Director of the UNL Telecommunication Center, for Walter Weir

  • Tom Conroy, Director of Information Management Systems, for Brenda Decker

  • Greg Lemon, Deputy Secretary of State, for Steve Schafer

  • Mike Beach, Chief Engineer, Network Operations, University Television, for Peter Ford

  • Several names were submitted for consideration for Michael Winkle

The members of the Technical Panel will speak to these individuals about their membership as alternates and report back at the next meeting. The slate will need to be approved by the NITC for official action.

POOL OF SPECIALISTS: Mr. Becker distributed a revised web based form. Mr. Weir indicated his office is working on a similar web based form and will work with Mr. Becker on coding. There was a concern expressed by Mr. Rolfes regarding K-12 and instructional technology expertised needed on the form. Mr. Rolfes and Mr. Becker will bring recommendations for categories and tasks. Mr. Ford and Mr. Weir would like to include "theory of" as a category. Verification of expertise was discussed. Mr. Becker will take the members recommendations and concerns and bring a revised form to the next meeting.

STATEWIDE TECHNOLOGY PLAN: Mr. Schafer reported that Part 3.A Process for Preparing, Reviewing and Updating Standards and Requirements was approved by the NITC at the August meeting. The Technical Panel needs to discuss how to proceed with this process. Mr. Winkle proposed a mixed approach to test the process prior to the next meeting. Ms. Decker will bring a standard for review. Mr. Schafer will ask Larry Zink to have the GIS (Geographic Information System) Committee walk through the process. Feedback will be shared at the next meeting.

The need for a Vision and developing a strategic direction for the state's infrastructure needs was discussed. Mr. Schafer will send everyone the website address for North Carolina's model. The model will be discussed at the next meeting.

Part 4.D Project Proposal Forms and Part 4.E. Assessment Document for Project Proposal Forms were presented to the NITC for their review. Their recommendation was to develop a rating system (how it relates to the NITC goals). Mr. Winkle presented a rating system. Members made suggestions. Staff will work on the rating system and bring back recommendations to the next meeting.

Other parts of the Assessment Document Part 4.E. to be reviewed ready for discussion at the next meeting are Sections 4, 5, and 7.

OTHER BUSINESS: There was none.

NEXT MEETING DATE: The next meeting will be held October 12, 1999, 9 a.m. Mr. Weir will check into Varner Hall for the next meeting location. Ms. Decker moved and it was seconded by Mr. Weir to adjourn. All were in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.

Minutes taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales, CIO/NITC Administrative Assistant and reviewed by Rick Becker, Government I.T. Manager.

Meeting Minutes