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of the

Thursday, October 14, 1999, 1:30 p.m.
Department of Labor-3rd Floor Conference Room, 550 South 16th Street, Lincoln, NE



Beecham, Bob
Department of Education
Henderson, Steve
Oligmueller, Gerry
Budget Office
Bansal, Mahendra
Natural Resources Commission
Hoffman, Dan
Policy Research Office
Overton, Mike
Crime Commission
Boardman, Howard
Health Human Service
Justus, Mike
Shanahan, Robert
Department of Labor
Calvert, Mike
Legislative Fiscal Office (Non-Voting)
Moore, Scott
Secretary of State
Schafer, Steve
Chief Information Officer
Dey, Keith
Department of Motor Vehicles
Morton, Glenn
Workers Compensation Court
Gettemy, Dick
Department of Revenue
Ogden, Jon
Department of Roads


Brenda Decker, Division of Communications; Dorest Harvey, Private Sector; Joe Steele, State Court Administrator; Dennis Zimmerman, Private Sector

ROLL CALL:  The meeting was called to order by Steve Schafer at 1:35 p.m. Twelve of twenty voting members were present at the time of roll call. A quorum was available to conduct official business. Mr. Schafer announced that public notice was given by electronic means by posting the meeting date, location and agenda via the Web on October 7, 1999.

Mr. Oligmueller arrived at the meeting.



Mr. Oligmueller moved, and it was seconded by Mr. Boardman, to approve the minutes. Motion carried by voice vote.

Mr. Beecham, Mr. Overton and Mr. Justice  arrived at the meeting.


Digital Signatures - Greg Lemon:  Mr. Lemon distributed a memo to the Council regarding Digital Signatures and E-Commerce.  Technical requirements of the Nebraska Digital Signature Act and regulations do not lend themselves to the one-time type of filings often done with state government.  Mr. Lemon suggested amending the Act to allow agencies to accept different types of filings. This approach would allow agencies to have control over how electronic filings would be performed by their agency and would provide for quicker and broader implementation of electronic transactions.  He invited Council members to give him comments and thoughts.  Mr. Lemon will be drafting legislation and will be asking for the Council's endorsement. This item will be discussed at the next meeting.

Mr. Hoffman arrived and was introduced by Mr. Schafer as the Lauren Hill's alternate from the Policy Research Office.

Collaboration Working Group - Steve Schafer:  This group was established at last month's meeting.  A summary of the meeting was distributed to members.  Members discussed the creation of an Executive Committee to oversee working groups.  The Council will discuss this topic again at the next meeting.  In the meantime, the E-mail and calendaring working group will continue to meet.

Secretary Moore arrived at the meeting.


Council Action Plan (Part 5.A):  Mr. Schafer informed the Council that the NITC will be voting on Action Plans from the Councils at their January meeting.  The NITC will need these for review by early January.  It was recommended that a subcommittee work on an Action Plan for review the Council.   Members of the subcommittee are as follows:  CIO staff, Oligmueller, Overton, Boardman, Lemon, Justice and an IMS representative.

Clearinghouse (Part 5.E):  The outline was distributed to members.   Mr. Schafer asked that members get feedback to him. The National Governor's Association was suggested as a resource for best practices.

Mr. Schafer announced that a meeting has been scheduled for Friday, October 22nd, 8:00 a.m., Executive Building, 5th floor conference room,  to review the technology budget request process.  Other interested persons are welcomed.

INDICATORS FOR IT IN STATE GOVERNMENT - Steve Schafer:   the Governor has requested agency directors to determine indicators that reflect the environment the agencies operate.  Mr. Schafer asked for suggestions from the Council for I.T. in state government.  Following are the suggestions submitted:

  • K-12 access to the internet
  • Number of graduates with I.T. degrees
  • Public libraries with internet and computer access
  • Open jobs in I.T.
  • Computer sales
  • Salary levels of I.T. professionals
  • Number of state services that can be transacted through the internet
  • Accessibility of electronic information
  • Number of graduating teachers competent in I.T.
  • Where are the "hits" coming from
  • Customer service survey


Natural Resource Commission (Mr. Bansal): NCR in cooperative efforts with USGS, is surveying and identifying groundwater monitoring wells in the Platte River basin using Global Positioning System (GPS) technology for data support to Cooperative Hydrology Study.  After processing is completed, the ground water table and well location information will be available from USGS and NRC.

Secretary of State (Secretary Moore): The number of on-line UCC filings has increased. The rules and regulations for on-line relicensing of collection agencies are in the Governor's office.

Crime Commission (Mr. Overton): Approximately 170 person attended the  CJIS Technology Conference in Kearney. The secure criminal justice server should be on-line by November 1st.

Budget (Mr. Oligmueller):  The budget deficit request forms are on-line and the process should be "paperless."  

Revenue (Mr. Gettemy):  Doing limited testing of on-line sales tax system.

Workman's Compensation (Mr. Morton):  The State Bar Association is working to make judicial opinions and orders available on the Web.


NIS Survey.  A question was raised as to how much of the NIS survey needs to be completed.  Mr. Justice asked that all information and questions be completed on the form if the information is readily available.


The next meeting will be November 4th at 9:00 a.m., Department of Labor, 3rd floor conference room.

Minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales, and reviewed by Rick Becker, Government I.T. Manager, Office of the CIO/NITC.

meeting minutes