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of the

Thursday, July 8, 1999, 1:30 p.m.
State Office Building, Lower Level, Conference Room A



Bansal, Mehendra
(Proxy for Dayle Williamson)
Dey, Keith
(Proxy for Ed Wimes)
Ogden, Jon
(Proxy for John Craig)
Boardman, Howard
(Jim McGee for 1st part of meeting-Proxy for Jeff Elliott)
Gettemy, Dick
(Proxy for Mary Jane Egr)
Shanahan, Robert
(Proxy for Butch Lecuona)
Conroy, Tom
Harvey, Dorest
Private Sector
Schafer, Steve
Curtis, Al
Criminal Justice
Heaton, Lyn
(Proxy for Gerry Oligmueller)
Zimmerman, Dennis
Private Sector
Decker, Brenda
Moore, Scott
Secretary of State


Lauren Hill, Policy Research Office and Lori McClurg, Department of Administrative Services

ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order by Steve Schafer, State Chief Information Officer, at 1:35 p.m. Eleven of sixteen members were present at the time of roll call. A quorum was available to conduct official business.


Ms. Decker corrected the June 7, 1999 minutes to reflect that Bill Gries was present as her proxy in "Members Present". Secretary Moore moved and it was seconded by Mr. Ogden to approve the minutes as revised. All were in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Harvey and Mr. Zimmerman arrived at the meeting.

Mr. Schafer announced that public notice was given by electronic means by posting the meeting date, location and agenda via the website on June 25th.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no public comments.

UPDATE ON NITC ACTIONS - Michael Winkle, NITC Executive Director:

Mr. Winkle reported that the Policies and Procedures for Preparing the Statewide Technology Plan and the NITC goals had been approved by the NITC at the June 29th meeting. The Commissioners made minor changes to and approved the Government Sector Priorities. These priorites will be used to rate and prioritize future projects. The Commissioners also made minor changes to and approved of the Council Charter. The membership of the State Government Council will be expanded. Mr. Schafer informed the members that letters will be sent to the new agencies asking them to designate a representative to the council.

The next NITC meeting will be late August or early September. This meeting will focus on the development of the specifics for the statewide plan.

Mr. Shanahan arrived at the meeting.

UPDATE on Y2K - Steve Schafer:

Mr. Schafer reported that surveys were sent to agencies in June with a second reminder sent in July. The office has received 60 of the 77 surveys returned.

Mr. Conroy provided information regarding the CTA Contract on mainframe applications which is now completed. The flexibility of utilizing CTA resources is still available. IMS are in the process of analyzing what agencies and applications are still being used and what the agency's plans are for remediation. As of September 1st the computing facility that supports some of these systems will be shut down. The dollars left in the fund are limited to mainframe remediation. IMS staff are available to assist agencies.

Mr. Schafer announced that John Koskinen, the Executive Director of the Presidents Council on Y2K, will be at the next Governor's Y2000 Council meeting, August 25th, 1:30 p.m. at the Governor's Mansion. Later that evening, he is scheduled to do a program for ETV.


An action plan to address the priorities, barriers and opportunities, will need to be developed by the council for the statewide technology plan. The question was raised as to which term should be used "eCommerce" versus "eGovernment". After discussion, it was by group consensus to use eGovernment as the umbrella term with the following sub-categories: eCommerce, eService and eInformation.

Mr. Boardman arrived to the meeting.

Discussion began with the first priority: "Implementing electronic government (eGovernment) to provide for a cost effective, efficient delivery of services while maintaining necessary security and confidentiality of non-public information."

Barriers included the following:

  • Digital Signature - (California ruling-no company stepping forward to register as a certification authority) - "pin" concept being explored as an alternative
  • Credit card cost to agencies
  • Convenience fees
  • Staffing - availability, knowledge and skills
  • Technology (making it work)
  • Ignorance and unawareness
  • Leadership vacuum
  • Reimbursement spending authority
  • Data

Strategies included the following:

  • Educational seminars. The Secretary of State's office is doing 1/2 day seminars with agencies late August. Secretary Moore suggested that the NITC and the Council may want to be co-sponsors. It was stressed that the NACO, the League of Municipalities and local government should be in attendance.
  • Transaction Component -eCommerce and Government to Local Government
  • Demonstration of best practices among agencies
  • Budget process - Can eCommerce solve it?
  • Define policy for cost recovery
  • Utilize the State Government Collaboration Fund - priorities will be used to prioritize future funding projects.

Due to time constraints, the members agreed to continue this discussion at the next meetings.


Health and Human Services: The federal program personnel for Medicaid have given Nebraska's HHS a Low Risk rating for Y2K compliance. Two more federal testing dates will occur. The next test is scheduled for July 12th.

Secretary of State: The first draft of the report for Email, Imaging and Website Retention will be posted on Monday. Public forums are scheduled for August with the final hearings scheduled for September before final adoption.




The next meeting was scheduled for August 12th at 1:30 p.m. Location to be determined. Mr. Schafer adjourned the meeting at 3:00 p.m.

Minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales, Administrative Assistant, and reviewed by Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer and Rick Becker, Government I.T. Manager.

Meeting Minutes