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Tuesday, September 30, 2003, 1:00 p.m.
Videoconference Sites:
Executive Building-Videoconference Room 103, 521 South 14th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska
Kearney Public Library-Information Center, 2nd Floor, 2020 1st Avenue, Kearney, Nebraska

Kearney Site: Dr. Eric Brown, Manager, KRVN Radio
Lincoln Site: Greg Adams, Mayor, City of York; Linda Aerni, Chief Executive
Officer, Community Internet Systems; Lieutenant Governor Dave Heineman,
Chair; Dr. Doug Christensen, Commissioner, Department of Education; Trev
Peterson, Attorney, Knudsen, Berkheimer, Richardson, and Endacott, LLP; and
Dr. L. Dennis Smith, President, University of Nebraska

L. Merill Bryan, Senior Vice President & Chief Information Officer, Union Pacific;
H. Hod Kosman, Chairman and President, Platte Valley Financial Services Companies


Lieutenant Governor Heineman called the meeting to order at 1:35 p.m. There were six members present at the time of roll call. A quorum existed to conduct official business. It was stated that the meeting notice was posted to the NITC and Public Meeting Calendar Web sites on August 20, 2003 and that the meeting agenda and meeting materials were posted to the NITC Web site on September 24, 2003.


Commissioner Peterson moved to approve the June 10, 2003 minutes as presented. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Adams-Yes, Aerni-Yes, Brown-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Heineman-Yes, Peterson-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Results: 7-Yes, 0-No. The motion carried by unanimous vote.


There was no public comment.


NETCOM/CAP - Brenda Decker, Director of the State’s Division of Communications
Phase I was awarded to Alltel. Implementation was to begin on October 1st. So far, state government is completed and the University of Nebraska will be next. The project will meet the October 15th cut-off date.Phase II has been awarded to Qwest Communications. Qwest will provide an ATM network. This network will help the project move forward with the statewide video networks.Final details of the contract are being negotiated. As a result of the project, this will be the first time that the State and University of Nebraska contracts will have the same end dates.The aggregation of high-density traffic areas can occur.

Questions/comments. Lieutenant Governor Heineman thanked everyone involved in this team effort, especially Commissioner Smith and the University of Nebraska. A press conference will be scheduled to announce Phase II. Commissioners were pleased with the collaborative efforts of CAP.

Commissioner Christensen arrived at 1:45pm.

Statewide Telehealth Network (PDF 65k) - Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer
Mr. Schafer provided an update due to Ms. Byers attending the national Rural Telecon Conference.On September 17, 2003, representatives of the regional medical centers (which will serve as hubs for the telehealth network), the Public Service Commission, the Nebraska Hospital Association, and the NITC met. The meeting addressed several concerns of the Public Service Commission. Efforts are being made to incorporate bioterrorism preparedness into the plan for the Nebraska Telehealth Network.Mr. Schafer will invite Roger Keetle to the November 13 NITC meeting for a more detailed report.

Statewide Synchronous Video Network - Mike Beach
The Nebraska Statewide Synchronous Video Work Group was chartered by the Technical Panel of the Nebraska Information Technology Commission on November 8, 2002 to develop the technical and non-technical recommendations needed in order to provide for a statewide, interconnected, synchronous video network serving education, state government, and telehealth. State agencies, the University of Nebraska, and representatives from higher education institutions, K-12, libraries, and telehealth have worked collaboratively towards this mission. Approximately one year ago, the video standards were adopted by the NITC. For the update, Mr. Beach reviewed the Preliminary Round One Recommendations (PDF 122k) brought forth by the work group. The document must be posted for a 30-day comment period. No action was required by the NITC at this time.

Interim Network Policy Work Group - Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer
The previous three presentations are closely related to the Interim Network Policy Work Group. The CIO’s office is mindful that there needs to be collaboration and coordination of all these efforts. Approximately one year ago, the NITC adopted the Network Nebraska Work Group to conduct a Network Feasibility Study. The work group submitted a final report and made several recommendations. The following two recommendations propose the establishment of a work group:

  • Recommendation 9 reads as follows, “Under the auspices of the NITC, an interim work group composed of stakeholders should coordinate implementation of a shared Nebraska statewide IP-centric network (Recommendation 6). The work group should include stakeholders, with some representation of the Community Council, Education Council, and State Government Council. The work group should address technical requirements, network management, quality assurance and security needs.”
  • Recommendation 10 reads as follows, “Long-term functions of the network and a mechanism for constituent input could be delivered in a variety of ways. Issues to be decided include funding strategies, pricing and services to be offered, resolving technical problems, and establishing service levels. Funding options should encourage collaborative mechanisms for multiple independent entities to use existing resources as well as other available sources. The interim work group would research the advantages and disadvantages of different models and make a detailed recommendation to the NITC.”

Councils have been involved with the membership and charter development and have approved the work group charters and membership at their meetings. The Work Group has been meeting on a regular basis. Thus far, the meetings have focused on the customer service manual that lays out decision-making, defining the customer, and end user support.

The following issues and/or concerns were discussed:

  • Creating one more group may create more bureaucracy or give the impression of creating more bureaucracy.
  • Several members of CAP are also on the Interim Network Policy Work Group, necessitating dual meetings..
  • The timing of the work group to discuss policy, the structure for governance and operations may be premature prior to the implementation of the network.
  • Calling the INPWG a users' group or advisory group rather than a policy work group may be more appropriate.
  • The Interim Network Policy Work Group was seen as a means for all sectors to have a voice.

Options were discussed. It was the consensus of the NITC that the Interim Network Policy Work Group should serve in an advisory function to the CAP group. The topics of discussion and the frequency of meetings should be coordinated closely with the operational entities that are implementing the network.


Ms. Byers was attending the national Rural Telecon Conference. Mr. Schafer was available for comments and/or questions. Commissioners were provided a written report on the following items (links provide a detailed report):

Status Report on CTF and Mini-planning Grants (PDF 115k)

Tangents electronic newsletter

Toolkit Workbook


Nebrask@Online Management Contract. The contract between the State Records Board and Nebrask@Online will expire at the end of January, 2004.An RFP has gone out requesting a different funding structure, focus on e-government, foreign language translation, enhanced search capabilities, and payment capabilities. It will be a three-year contact with option to renew. Mr. Schafer entertained questions.

5th Annual E-government Conference, Steve Schafer. The conference will be held on November 18, 2003 at the Cornhusker Hotel in Lincoln, Nebraska. A draft agenda (PDF 104k) was provided. Lieutenant Governor Heineman invited the NITC Commissioners to participate in the conference.

Internet2 SEGP (PDF 89k), Tom Rolfes. Thirty states are involved in Internet2 SEGP. The University of Nebraska is a member. Through the generosity of the University of Nebraska to pay for the first year, implementation for the State of Nebraska is scheduled for July 2004. Beginning July 2005, K-12 and other higher educational institutions will need to figure out cost sharing to continue membership. The application is nearing completion and almost ready for submission.


Report on Security Assessment and GTCF (Government Technology Collaboration Fund) Grant Extension, Steve Schafer. In August, the Computer Network External Intrusion Security Assessment Summary of Findings and Recommendations (PDF 147k) was completed. In September, agencies were briefed on the findings and each agency was to develop a plan. Mr. Schafer would like to repeat Phase II Vulnerability Testing to follow-up with agencies. The original grant was for $46,000, $22,000 has been expended, leaving a balance of over $20,000. The term of the grant has expired. Mr. Schafer requested an extension to repeat Phase II.

Commissioner Peterson moved to grant an extension of the GTCF Security Assessment Grant to June 30, 2004. Commissioner Christensen seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Heineman-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Brown-Yes, Smith-Yes, Adams-Yes, and Aerni-Yes. Results: 7-Yes and 0-No. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Tom Conroy, Project Director

Mr. Conroy provided a brief background for the new commissioners on NIS, a statewide financial reporting system. JD Edwards was the hired contractor. PeopleSoft purchased JD Edwards a few months ago. The State has been working with them and most of the staff that were there when it was JD Edwards. Much of the system’s functionality has been implemented. Payroll and Human Resources began January 1st. The financial applications were implemented in March. In April, procurement for services was implemented to meet the August 31st deadline for LB 626. The remaining work to be completed includes the following: the balance of procurement and support; taking inventory live (supplies, etc. not large commodities); and the final piece to be done is budget preparation for state government. It is hoped to have this in place for the next funding cycle which begins September 15th. A punch list of remaining tasks is being addressed. An NIS post-team consisting of eight members and a Help Desk has been implemented. There is an ongoing advisory structure in place to gather feedback about the system and to provide a forum for information exchange such as the business users' group and payroll users' group. A Human Resources and a Procurement users' group will soon be implemented. The Steering Committee that was in place during the project will be reinstated this fall. The project has managed to remain within budget.


Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer

A summary was sent to NITC Commissioners via electronic means. There were no questions or comments from the Commissioners.


Community Council. The Community Council report was provided earlier in the meeting under Community and Economic Development.

Education Council Report, Tom Rolfes. The council has been working on the action items in the Statewide Technology Plan. Each action item will have a task group assigned with volunteer council members.

Education Council Membership (PDF 81k). The following slate of nominees was presented for approval by the NITC:

  • Arnold Bateman, University of Nebraska, replacing Perlman, 2002-04
  • Yvette Holly, University of Nebraska-Medical Center, filling vacancy, 2003-05
  • Dennis Linster, State Colleges, replacing Stearns, 2002-04

Commissioner Christensen moved to approve the Education Council membership changes. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Smith-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Heineman-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Brown-Yes, Aerni-Yes, and Adams-Yes. Results: 7-Yes and 0-No. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

State Government Council Report (PDF 55k), Rick Becker. A written report was provided in the meeting materials. There were no questions or comments from the Commissioners.

Technical Panel Report, Walter Weir. The Technical Panel has met three times since the last NITC meeting. Mr. Weir commended the Statewide Video Synchronous Work Group for all the efforts. The following standards and guidelines were brought to the NITC for final approval and adoption:

Recommended Standards and Guidelines – Wireless Local Area Network Guidelines

Commissioner Christensen moved to adopt the Wireless Local Area Network Guidelines (PDF 191k). Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Smith-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Heineman-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Brown-Yes, Aerni-Yes, and Adams-Yes. Results: 7-Yes and 0-No. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Recommended Standards and Guidelines – Remote Access Guidelines

Commissioner Christensen moved to adopt the Remote Access Guidelines (PDF 142k). Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Adams-Yes, Smith-Yes, Heineman-Yes, Aerni-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Christensen-Yes, and Brown-Yes. Results: 7-Yes and 0-No. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Recommended Standards and Guidelines – Use of Computer-based Fax Services by State Government Agencies

Commissioner Christensen moved to adopt the Use of Computer-based Fax Services by State Government Agencies (PDF 116k). Commissioner Peterson seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Aerni-Yes, Heineman-Yes, Adams-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Brown-Yes, Smith-Yes, and Christensen-Yes. Results: 7-Yes and 0-No. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.


Videoconferencing Statutory Restrictions. The open meetings law section regarding a quorum at videoconference main sites for public meetings and voting restrictions was established many years ago. Lieutenant Governor Heineman expressed interest in having the NITC review the statutes concerning the provisions of videoconferencing for public meetings.


The next meeting of the NITC will be on November 13 at 1:00 pm. The exact location will be announced at a later date.

The Lt. Governor asked for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Smith moved to adjourn. Commissioner Christensen seconded the motion. All were in favor by voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 pm.

Meeting minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by the staff of the Office of the CIO/NITC.

Meeting Minutes